Abstract Anthro Artist with a mid-century modern motif

“My art practice harmoniously fuses multidisciplinary artistry with deep-seated anthropological and philosophical themes, inviting reflection on humanity’s timeless quest for well-being, truth, and beauty.”

Qui Suis-je?

Thalia is a multidisciplinary artist living in Southern California. She has an intense fascination with anthropological study and research and her background includes art, music, design, and photography, as well as philosophy, religion, and cultural anthropology. She currently works at the local Cultural and Natural History museum as a curatorial assistant, and is continuing her education in both museum studies, art and anthropology.

This online studio brings together in one special place the ideologies and passions Thalia has for art, archaeology, history, personal transformation, identity and self-care, all within the context of both ancient and modern practices of living well.

Thalia’s art depicts, through a variety of focused themes, a somewhat eclectic ensemble of both ancient and modern cultural aesthetics, the human quest for philosophical truth, as well as individual and universal concepts of beauty, especially those found in coastal and mid-century modern motifs.

“Since I was a small child, I have voraciously consumed books and media exploring archaeology and ancient history; philosophy and religion have also been a major part of that study and research.

Along with a healthy appetite for all things anthropological, I am obsessed with beauty and aesthetics, which is what drives much of my desire for perfecting my art and creative endeavors. My inspiration is drawn both from ancient and modern artist’s and architects, Frank Lloyd Wright being at the top of that list, as well as Egyptian and Mesoamerican pictographs also informing much of my work.

Emotional expression has always been difficult for me, except when I am expressing myself creatively. So, in a sense, I really feel like I find myself when I’m singing (which I’ve done both professionally and as a hobby) and in my studio surrounded by art supplies. Abstract art has, like my vocal career, given my emotions a voice and helped to heal the barrier of expression between myself and others.

My work at our local museum has also been influential in enhancing my perspectives and enjoyment of art. Cataloging, researching, and handling prehistoric, historic, and modern artifacts—both regional indigenous artifacts, as well as those from around the world—has been an inspiring and humbling experience that continues to inform my art practice.

As a multidisciplinary artist who also enjoys the anthropological side of things, I include a variety of mediums, from acrylics and ink, to natural fibers and other plant based elements, and in the future, I intend to add ceramics to my repertoire.

There is a minimalist aspect to my work that mirrors ancient craftsmen and women. Simple shapes can communicate so much, especially when keeping in mind the symbolic nature of art for ancient humans. My overall goal is to keep that relationship in mind throughout my practice.”

Thalia’s art is available via her website and you can follow her art practice on Instagram @thaliablackstudio.

Thalia Black ©2024. All rights reserved.