Issue 4, Revolution 2017

Issue 4 / Revolution

Unbending intent. Fixity of purpose. Endurance. The recipe for success is found in the evolutionary process of each creative. Without the ability to evolve to greater levels of potential revolutionary ways of living being and doing would cease to exist. We need modern pioneers, like those found in Issue 4, to change the world with their fierce loyalty to inherent values and elevating dreams. In this issue, we share a private interview with the influential, Laura Hollick of Soul Art Studio and the creator of the nü Icon Program and dive into the world of creative contrast with Christina Szegedi of Christina

Date of Publication:

November 20th, 2015


  • 104 page online interactive reader for desktop and tablet.

  • Blog Style Reader for phone.

  • 2 Feature Articles with successful Creative Entrepreneurs

  • 1 Short Feature Documentary


Cover Feature: Laura Hollick
Cynthia Black
Fleur Van Til
Nancy McCullough
Maria Milicevic
Lacie Black
Debie Badal
Thalia the Muse

Alternative Cover

Mogul Muse Magazine issue 4, Laura Hollick cover feature

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