Issue 9 / Space

At the end of 2016, I was craving a trip to the desert. Over and over my soul was haunted by a desire for the dry, minimalist space. What I didn't realize, was that I was also, secretly, craving a greater capacity to hold and create space. In this serial, we are exploring the quiet, the empowering and the collaborative environment of space—how to use it, how to be in it and why you can't live without it.

Date of Publication:

February 20th, 2017


  • 44 page print, perfect-bound

  • Creating an Empowering, Collaborative, Inspiring Tribal Space - Visibility Goddess

  • Joie De Vivre Column – Lacie Black

  • Introducing KimLoveMuse - Living In Your Magic Column

  • Cover Spotlight- Yoshi Arima of Art Of Yoshi


Cover Feature: Yoshi Arima
Cynthia Black
Fleur Van Til
Kim Kamila
Joseph Barrett
Lacie Black
Debie Badal
Thalia the Muse

Alternative Cover

Mogul Muse Magazine cover issue 9 - yoshi arima on cover

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