Make Room for Bliss


During the month of January (2022), I have been taking time each week to create a little more room in my life for the things I would like to manifest in 2022. A few of my projects have included: cleaning out our refrigerator, cutting back on my food portions, clearing out my closet, getting my colors and body analyzed by a professional, cleaning out my old makeup drawers, and making meditation and prayer a bigger part of my morning routine.

As I’ve focused on making space for the things I truly desire, my mind, heart, and even my emotions, have felt freer and more open to receive. It’s never been easy for me, getting rid of clothing and makeup, even if it doesn’t fit or isn’t the right color. I worry that one day down the road I’ll wish I hadn’t gotten rid of this or that.

But this year is different. My intention this year to live well has inspired me to create space for bliss, not simply fill my life and time with the same old mediocrity I’ve settled for in the past.

The Art of Living Well is a very personal experience. Yet, our culture promotes a more generic lifestyle ideal, the keeping up with the Joneses obsession of…

More stuff + more money + more busyness = bliss

If you’re finding yourself questioning the keeping up with the Joneses “living well” culture, you’re in the right place, because…

More stuff + more money + more busyness = stress

Have you ever noticed how crowded life becomes with excesses that do not bring you any closer to bliss when following culturally accepted ideals, instead of one’s personal preferences and truth?

2022 is about opening up space for, not just what’s possible, but what you’d like to be possible. For example, I’m turning 46 years old this year and I’ve had some health issues that have made it difficult to maintain my old, healthier weight. The excess pounds on my body have made it difficult to fit my clothes properly. I feel frumpy a lot!

I’ve been working on fixing the underlying health issues, but until I figure out what’s happening internally, I wanted to make room in my heart and life for the current me and find ways of feeling beautiful and chic , even with a few extra pounds. Ultimately, I want to find a solution and get back to what feels like a healthier me. But until then, how can I feel bliss in this area of my life?

As I’ve shared in my previous two posts, I decided to get a custom color palette done and get a body analysis and style edit. I’ve always wanted to invest in understanding how to play to my strengths with color and style, and there is no better time than when you’re not feeling your best to give yourself a little boost of bliss.

Honestly, there have been some really hard to deal with aspects of the body analysis, like taking pictures of a body that is unrecognizable to me and seeing how much I’ve changed over the last few years. It’s made me feel a little helpless and vulnerable sending images of myself to a stranger to analyze.

However, the pros have outweighed the cons. Gifting myself this style makeover at a time when I needed it so badly was an act of self-love. Instead of beating myself up, I’ve been able to ponder on some of the unhealthy self-talk and inner feelings I’ve struggled with for years. The first part of the services included a questionnaire that took me through a process of understanding why I haven’t been able to truly see myself in an accurate light throughout my life. So much healing!

One thing I’m certain of when dealing with a crowded heart and a crowded life, one that is too cram-packed with junk for bliss to be present, is that when we settle for anything that doesn’t meet our personal ideals, we are actually hording emotional and physical junk we don’t want because we don’t believe we can have the things we truly do.

Everything we settle for—especially in the important areas of our lives, like mediocre relationships, junky foods, and environments that drag us down—become sludgy space-taker-uppers in our hearts and lifestyles, that once accumulated simply leave no room for bliss to exist.

We must first get rid of the sludgy, space-taker-uppers to make room for our bliss. They can’t coexist. Believe me, I’ve tried to cram them all into the same spaces and my bliss just won’t tolerate the sludge.

What makes you happy? What is your idea of a life well lived?

When I thought about the things I wanted in my life, things that bring me bliss, the Joneses and all of their pomp and circumstance just didn’t exist. I love simplicity—simple pleasures shared in beautiful environments, with interesting people.

Yes, like most people, a comfortable for us financial portfolio, a nice home, and all of the first world necessities of life I’m used to would be included in that simple life. But I don’t want to spend all of my time caring for an extravagant life. I prefer an extraordinary life that is well-suited to my tastes and truths.

We, each of us, define bliss differently. My brother and sister-in-law love their time in their RV with their five kids, on the road, living the sight-seeing dream. That’s not my bliss, but when they’re on the road I want to share it with them. I love to see where they are, chat for hours on Marco Polo, and hear all about their adventures when they get home.

You have a life calling you that you are suited for. Maybe in that life you live on a boat or own a motorcycle shop (that’s my husband Erik’s dream), or perhaps you are suited for a grand and stately home in Pasadena. Whatever you desire in honesty and are willing to work to get is your bliss.

Whatever it is, it’s time to make room for it to grow into a reality. No more harboring sludgy mediocrity in the nooks and crannies of your life. Where can you make a little room right now? You’ll find, it’s so much easier to clean out the sludge when you know what your bliss is. If that’s where you need to start, then get to it!

As always, I’m happy to help.


Favorite Finds


Deep, Soft, Cool/Neutral