Why Having Style Matters


Why Does Style Matter?

One word: trust.

Style has always been fascinating to me. From four years old on, I thought about how I was showing up in the world every day. Looking my best, regardless of my environment (ie camping, etc.) was always important to me. My parents didn’t understand or relate to my obsession, but deep inside I knew style and appearance was key.

Your style is more than what you put on in the morning. Yet, what you put on says loads about who you are and what you believe, and others will make split second judgments about you based, almost entirely, on a quick impression of your outer appearance and how your appearance feels to them.

Your clothing and grooming habits will tell people:

  • If you can be trusted or not

  • If you are happy or not

  • If you are successful or not

  • If you are kind or approachable or not

  • If you are someone they want to work with or not

  • If you are confident and capable or not

Although being fashionable is not a necessity, how you show up in the world (i.e. your personal style) is. It’s easy to overlook the important correlation between how others experience you—your physical appearance combined with your energetic presence—and your ability to generate credibility.

The more closely your appearance mimics your energetic vibe, the more credibility you will have with others.

Your Vibe and What it Says About You

Did you know that you put off an energetic vibe that is telling people about who you are and what you are capable of?

Everyone has felt, at one time or another, some level of comfort or discomfort around someone else. Perhaps, you can recall a time when you met someone and they just felt off.

It doesn’t matter if the energy you felt was creepy or cuddly, you’ve experienced another person’s energy before whether you were aware of it or not.

Can you recall a time when what you felt from someone else was confusion? Like something about them wasn’t adding up, not scary or icky, just out of alignment?

I’ve met quite a few people that confused me. One individual was super serious and a rather heavy energy, yet they were dressed in bright and animated clothing. It made them look like a sad clown, and I wasn’t sure how to take anything they were saying.

Your energy should match your style, even if you aren’t interested in becoming a fashionista.

Energy + Personal Style (that matches your energy) = Credibility & Trust

When your outer appearance matches your soul’s energetic vibe, people will get you. They may not want to be your best friend or need your services, but they will be intrigued and drawn in by you.

If you’re energy doesn’t match your outer appearance, people will most likely be put off by you—they won’t trust you and they will probably avoid you.

Your energy is inter-meshed with your soul’s purpose and design. What you have to offer others is felt by those who you come into contact with.

Your design and gifts are often felt before a person has a chance to look at you.

When your clothing and appearance match your soul’s vibe, your purpose is automatically being publicized and shared in a positive way, and you don’t even have to open your mouth.


Why does style matter? Because it is the skin you put on your energy. It is the quickest way to tell others who you are, what you are all about, and why you can be trusted.

You are unique. You are an important part of the social ecosystem. Dress your energy and watch how much easier it is to make friends, share your gifts with others, and level up your credibility and respect.

If you’d like to learn more about how to dress your unique energy, check out StyleScapes.


The Cure For Social Oppression


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